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Discovering the Real Reasons Behind Business Coaching Struggles

Are you a business coach struggling to make a difference? Here’s why, along with some tips on turning it around.

Business coaching has been around for quite some time now, and we all know its benefits in helping individuals clarify their goals, overcome obstacles, and reach their full potential. However, the coaching industry still faces significant challenges, particularly in business coaching, branding, and marketing. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at these issues and explore ways to address them.

Issue #1: Lack of regulation

The lack of regulation in the coaching industry has been identified as one of its most pressing concerns. Different from other professions such as medicine, law or accounting, there are no universal standards governing this field, making it difficult for potential clients to discern a good coach from a bad one. This can result in a coach offering services to clients who aren’t qualified or properly trained, which could hurt the industry as a whole.


Aspiring coaches should seek out reputable coaching programs and certifications recognized in the industry. The certifications should also include industry standards and best practices that coaches must abide by when providing their services. This will help to ensure that the coaching profession is operating at a high level and not only increases the industry’s credibility but also helps protect clients from getting burned by poorly trained, inexperienced coaches.

Issue #2: Limited business expertise

Coaching in the digital world is an emerging field, but it’s not immune to the problems that plague other industries. For example, some coaches lack expertise in running a business or managing people—either because their businesses did not succeed or because they never worked in management positions. A coach who lacks an understanding of the full scope of a client’s business may have difficulty providing effective coaching services.


To be a successful business coach, you need to understand business basics—including marketing, finance and strategy. Those who aspire to be coaches can pursue business training, read books on running a business or seek out mentors with strong entrepreneurial backgrounds.

Issue #3: Branding and marketing confusion

In recent years, branding and marketing have become increasingly important for many coaches. Many spend a significant amount of time and resources on building their brand or promoting their services. There are two problems with this: Lacking focus on their brand, coaches will either undervalue the significance of branding or overuse flashy tactics at the expense of delivering quality coaching.


Spend some time honing in on your mission, values, and vision. The most successful coaches are the ones who can define their brand and stick to it—without being afraid of seeming too niche or boring. But at the same time, don’t overvalue your brand or rely on flashy tactics to draw attention. Focus on delivering quality coaching, and your brand will take care of itself.

Issue #4: Unrealistic promises

It’s easy to sell people on coaching services if they make promises that sound too good to be true—like unlimited results, overnight success, or a quick fix for all their problems. But it’s a lot harder to deliver on those promises, and when coaches fail to do so, the clients will feel betrayed. They’ll lose trust in the coach’s ability to help them—even if they had unrealistic expectations of what coaching could do in the first place.


Avoid this trap by making sure you have a realistic idea of what coaching can and cannot do. If you’re not sure, try asking a few former clients how they feel about the results they got from your coaching sessions. If they give glowing reviews, then you’re probably on track. If not, ask them why they wouldn’t recommend your services.

Coaching is about being a bridge. It’s about helping people struggling to find their way or realize their full potential. It’s true the industry has issues that need to be addressed, but it’s also true that the industry is full of people who care deeply about helping others. The key is to be intentional about your choices. Be aware of what you’re doing and why, and make sure you make decisions that reflect your values and beliefs. The industry is changing and will continue to change. You can either be a part of the solution or a part of the problem, but you cannot sit idly by while others decide what kind of future we’re going to have.

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