Unlock the Secrets to Facebook Advertising Success

From Beginner to Pro: Setting Up Your First Facebook Ad Campaign Webinar.

Case Studies

Sharing in the Success of our Clients


20X sales | $90,000 of sales | Less than 12 months

Raj attended one of our Facebook Ads Masterclass Workshops and contacted us to discuss using Facebook Ads to promote his new product. 

Raj had built up quite a following on Instagram and had just launched his new product into that warm audience.  He had also just started running his own Facebook Ads campaign and was struggling with results and understanding if he was doing the right thing or not.  He wanted to use Facebook Ads to reach audiences wider audiences to make consistent sales.


We looked at the market for such a product, the website and landing pages the o-Magi currently had, and we offered suggestions to tweak some of the sales pages, make them more succinct, place them in USD and make sure there was as little friction to purchase as possible.

We then went on to research the space, look at the global market and create custom audiences to test inside the industry.  We looked at the current website data, and then began running ads to Australia, UK and USA to find audiences that might be interested in the O-MAGi

We took the O-Magi sales to 20x the rate they were currently doing to now bringing in a consistent sum each month.

More amazing Case Studies coming soon